Friday 1 March 2019

Enforce Password Complexity for users in Oracle Database 11g/12c

Enforce Password Complexity for users in Oracle Database 11g/12c

create or replace function     ora_string_distance

(s varchar2,

 t varchar2)

return integer is

   s_len    integer := nvl (length(s), 0);

   t_len    integer := nvl (length(t), 0);

   type arr_type is table of number index by binary_integer;

   d_col    arr_type ;

   dist     integer := 0;


   if s_len = 0 then

      dist := t_len;

   elsif t_len = 0 then

      dist := s_len;

   -- Bug 18237713 : If source or target length exceeds max DB password length

   -- that is 128 bytes, then raise exception.

   elsif t_len > 128 or s_len > 128 then

     raise_application_error(-20027,'Password length more than 128 bytes');

   elsif s = t then



      for j in 1 .. (t_len+1) * (s_len+1) - 1 loop

          d_col(j) := 0 ;

      end loop;

      for i in 0 .. s_len loop

          d_col(i) := i;

      end loop;

      for j IN 1 .. t_len loop

          d_col(j * (s_len + 1)) := j;

      end loop;

      for i in 1.. s_len loop

        for j IN 1 .. t_len loop

          if substr(s, i, 1) = substr(t, j, 1)


             d_col(j * (s_len + 1) + i) := d_col((j-1) * (s_len+1) + i-1) ;


             d_col(j * (s_len + 1) + i) := LEAST (

                       d_col( j * (s_len+1) + (i-1)) + 1,      -- Deletion

                       d_col((j-1) * (s_len+1) + i) + 1,       -- Insertion

                       d_col((j-1) * (s_len+1) + i-1) + 1 ) ;  -- Substitution

          end if ;

        end loop;

      end loop;

      dist :=  d_col(t_len * (s_len+1) + s_len);

   end if;

   return (dist);


create or replace function     ora_complexity_check

(password varchar2,

 chars integer := null,

 letter integer := null,

 upper integer := null,

 lower integer := null,

 digit integer := null,

 special integer := null)

return boolean is

   digit_array varchar2(10) := '0123456789';

   alpha_array varchar2(26) := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';

   cnt_letter integer := 0;

   cnt_upper integer := 0;

   cnt_lower integer := 0;

   cnt_digit integer := 0;

   cnt_special integer := 0;

   delimiter boolean := false;

   len integer := nvl (length(password), 0);

   i integer ;

   ch char(1);


   -- Check that the password length does not exceed 2 * (max DB pwd len)

   -- The maximum length of any DB User password is 128 bytes.

   -- This limit improves the performance of the Edit Distance calculation

   -- between old and new passwords.

   if len > 256 then

      raise_application_error(-20020, 'Password length more than 256 characters');

   end if;

   -- Classify each character in the password.

   for i in 1..len loop

      ch := substr(password, i, 1);

      if ch = '"' then

         delimiter := true;

      elsif instr(digit_array, ch) > 0 then

         cnt_digit := cnt_digit + 1;

      elsif instr(alpha_array, nls_lower(ch)) > 0 then

         cnt_letter := cnt_letter + 1;

         if ch = nls_lower(ch) then

            cnt_lower := cnt_lower + 1;


            cnt_upper := cnt_upper + 1;

         end if;


         cnt_special := cnt_special + 1;

      end if;

   end loop;

   if delimiter = true then

      raise_application_error(-20012, 'password must NOT contain a '

                               || 'double-quotation mark which is '

                               || 'reserved as a password delimiter');

   end if;

   if chars is not null and len < chars then

      raise_application_error(-20001, 'Password length less than ' ||


   end if;

   if letter is not null and cnt_letter < letter then

      raise_application_error(-20022, 'Password must contain at least ' ||

                                      letter || ' letter(s)');

   end if;

   if upper is not null and cnt_upper < upper then

      raise_application_error(-20023, 'Password must contain at least ' ||

                                      upper || ' uppercase character(s)');

   end if;

   if lower is not null and cnt_lower < lower then

      raise_application_error(-20024, 'Password must contain at least ' ||

                                      lower || ' lowercase character(s)');

   end if;

   if digit is not null and cnt_digit < digit then

      raise_application_error(-20025, 'Password must contain at least ' ||

                                      digit || ' digit(s)');

   end if;

   if special is not null and cnt_special < special then

      raise_application_error(-20026, 'Password must contain at least ' ||

                                      special || ' special character(s)');

   end if;



create or replace FUNCTION ora12c_verify_function14

(username varchar2,

 password varchar2,

 old_password varchar2)

RETURN boolean IS

   differ integer;

   pw_lower varchar2(256);

   db_name varchar2(40);

   i integer;

   simple_password varchar2(10);

   reverse_user varchar2(32);


   IF NOT ora_complexity_check(password, chars => 14, UPPER => 2, LOWER => 2,

                           digit => 2, special => 2) THEN


   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains the username

   pw_lower := NLS_LOWER(password);

   IF instr(pw_lower, NLS_LOWER(username)) > 0 THEN

     raise_application_error(-20002, 'Password contains the username');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains the username reversed

   reverse_user := '';

   FOR i in REVERSE 1..length(username) LOOP

     reverse_user := reverse_user || substr(username, i, 1);


   IF instr(pw_lower, NLS_LOWER(reverse_user)) > 0 THEN

     raise_application_error(-20003, 'Password contains the username ' ||


   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains the server name

   select name into db_name from sys.v$database;

   IF instr(pw_lower, NLS_LOWER(db_name)) > 0 THEN

      raise_application_error(-20004, 'Password contains the server name');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains 'oracle'

   IF instr(pw_lower, 'oracle') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains ' company'

   IF instr(pw_lower, ' company') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

 -- Check if the password contains 'password'

   IF instr(pw_lower, 'password') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

    -- Check if the password is too simple

   IF instr(pw_lower, 'abc') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

    IF instr(pw_lower, 'xyz') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   IF instr(pw_lower, '123') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   IF instr(pw_lower, '&') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password must not contain & ');

   END IF;

   IF instr(pw_lower, '@') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password must not contain @ ');

   END IF;

      -- Check if the password is too simple. A dictionary of words may be

   -- maintained and a check may be made so as not to allow the words

   -- that are too simple for the password.

   IF pw_lower IN ('hello123','welcome1','database1', 'account1', 'user1234',

                              'password1', 'oracle123', 'computer1',

                              'abcdefg1', 'change_on_install') THEN

      raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password differs from the previous password by at least

   -- 3 characters

   IF old_password IS NOT NULL THEN

     differ := ora_string_distance(old_password, password);

     IF differ < 3 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20010, 'Password should differ from the '

                                || 'old password by at least 3 characters');

     END IF;

   END IF ;




(username varchar2,

 password varchar2,

 old_password varchar2)

RETURN boolean IS

   differ integer;

   pw_lower varchar2(256);

   db_name varchar2(40);

   i integer;

   simple_password varchar2(10);

   reverse_user varchar2(32);


   IF NOT ora_complexity_check(password, chars => 8, UPPER => 1, LOWER => 1,

                           digit => 1, special => 1) THEN


   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains the username

   pw_lower := NLS_LOWER(password);

   IF instr(pw_lower, NLS_LOWER(username)) > 0 THEN

     raise_application_error(-20002, 'Password contains the username');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains the username reversed

   reverse_user := '';

   FOR i in REVERSE 1..length(username) LOOP

     reverse_user := reverse_user || substr(username, i, 1);


   IF instr(pw_lower, NLS_LOWER(reverse_user)) > 0 THEN

     raise_application_error(-20003, 'Password contains the username ' ||


   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains the server name

   select name into db_name from sys.v$database;

   IF instr(pw_lower, NLS_LOWER(db_name)) > 0 THEN

      raise_application_error(-20004, 'Password contains the server name');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains 'oracle'

   IF instr(pw_lower, 'oracle') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password contains ' company'

   IF instr(pw_lower, ' company') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

-- Check if the password contains 'password'

   IF instr(pw_lower, 'password') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

    -- Check if the password is too simple

   IF instr(pw_lower, 'abc') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

    IF instr(pw_lower, 'xyz') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   IF instr(pw_lower, '123') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   IF instr(pw_lower, '&') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password must not contain & ');

   END IF;

   IF instr(pw_lower, '@') > 0 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password must not contain @ ');

   END IF;

      -- Check if the password is too simple. A dictionary of words may be

   -- maintained and a check may be made so as not to allow the words

   -- that are too simple for the password.

   IF pw_lower IN ('hello123','welcome1','database1', 'account1', 'user1234',

                              'password1', 'oracle123', 'computer1',

                              'abcdefg1', 'change_on_install') THEN

      raise_application_error(-20006, 'Password too simple');

   END IF;

   -- Check if the password differs from the previous password by at least

   -- 3 characters

   IF old_password IS NOT NULL THEN

     differ := ora_string_distance(old_password, password);

     IF differ < 3 THEN

        raise_application_error(-20010, 'Password should differ from the '

                                || 'old password by at least 3 characters');

     END IF;

   END IF ;