Thursday 19 January 2017

FND Debug log messages for a User in EBS R12.

FND Debug log messages for a User in EBS R12.

 Set the following profiles at the user level:
 FND: Debug Log Enabled = YES
 FND: Debug Log Filename = NULL
 FND: Debug Log Level = STATEMENT
 FND: Debug Log Module = % 

Make a note of the log sequence for the user before performing the activity (SEQUENCE_1).

select max(log_sequence)
fnd_log_messages fnd, fnd_user fu
where fnd.user_id = fu.user_id
and fu.user_name = '&USER_NAME'
order by log_sequence desc;

Once the testing is completed, run the above query and make note of the log sequence (SEQUENCE_2).

Run the following sql - substituting the two low and high sequences.

SQL>select fnd.*
fnd_log_messages fnd, fnd_user fu
fu.user_id = fnd.user_id and
fu.user_name = '&USER_NAME' and
fnd.log_sequence > &SEQUENCE_1 and
fnd.log_sequence < &SEQUENCE_2
order by fnd.log_sequence asc;

Happy Learning!

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